Red Clover
RED CLOVER // Trifolium pratense
Key Constituents: phytoestrogenic isoflavones (genistein, diadzen, formononetin, biochanin), volatile oil, coumarins, cyanogenic glycosides, vitamins, minerals, salicylates, polysaccharides
Actions: Alterative, Expectorant, Anti-inflammatory, Antispasmodic
Energy: Cooling & Moistening
Red clover is a perennial in the pea family which, although native to Europe, grows freely throughout the world in fields, meadows, lawns and roadsides.
The flowering tops and leaves are used in teas, tinctures, or infused oils. It is rich in protein (including all of the amino acids) as well as minerals and vitamins, such as vitamins B and C, calcium, magnesium, thiamine, niacin, phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen, and iron. It tastes slightly sweet and reminiscent of honey. Since many of the vitamins and minerals are water soluble, a water-based extraction like an herbal infusion is the best way to enjoy the nutritive benefits.
Red Clover has also been used as a remedy for cold and cough. Its expectorant and antispasmodic actions are excellent support for sore throat and dry, hacking coughs while the tannins dry the upper respiratory system and postnasal drip. The antispasmodic actions also make it useful for treating headaches and muscle spasms, relaxing tension and stress.
Red clover is a phytoestrogen, meaning it has a high concentration of natural estrogens, the plant world equivalent of the human female hormone. Being a phytoestrogen, red clover can be a great ally for women experiencing the symptoms of menopause and difficult menstruation. The isoflavones help to balance hormones and alleviate cramps, hot flashes and night sweats.
Red clover has an uplifting, joyful nature that is opening to the heart and helps release grief. Its gentle nature is especially nice for children.
Uses & Doses: infusion: 1-3 tsp dried flower tops to 8 oz hot water, steep for half hr or overnight, drink 2-3 cups per day; tincture: 2-4 mL 3x/day
Safety: avoid if pregnant or have hormone-sensitive condition; coumarin derivatives can increase chance of bleeding, hemophiliacs and those with heavy menstrual cycles should be weary, do not combine with pharmaceutical blood thinners and stop use at least two weeks before surgery.
Magical Properties & Uses: lucky charm against malevolence, bring forth dreams of one's beloved, healing of domestic animals and pets, protection of one's health
Flower Essence Use: calm and steady presence especially in times of emergency and high stress, strong force of self-awareness, clear-headed responses
Can Be Found In: Red Clover Tincture, Flower Essence Singles